Contact Status

Bad Connection

What you’re seeing is that a portion of your total customer list is currently marked as unreachable because several attempts to contact them have failed during the campaign. For example, let’s say 1,600 out of 10,000 customers are flagged as unreachable after multiple failed call attempts. However, this doesn’t mean those numbers are permanently bad or invalid.

At this point in the campaign, these numbers have failed twice, so they’re temporarily marked as “bad” based on the current call attempts. They will remain flagged this way until all campaign criteria are met, whether that means all customers have been called or the campaign reaches its end.

There’s still a chance that some of these numbers will change from “bad” to “successful.” For instance, if on a third attempt, someone answers, the number will be removed from the “bad” category and reclassified as successful.

In summary, a certain percentage of numbers are currently marked as bad because no one has answered yet, but this status is not permanent and can change as the campaign progresses. It’s a reflection of the current campaign stage and doesn’t necessarily mean the numbers are invalid.

Number of Calls

Number of Calls refers to how many times the system has attempted to reach your customers. This metric tracks both successful and failed attempts, giving a clear view of your outreach efforts.

For each customer in your campaign:
• The Number of Calls represents how many times your system has dialed that customer.
• It includes both answered calls and unanswered calls.
• Each attempt is counted, whether or not it resulted in a successful connection.

This metric helps you understand the reach of your campaign by showing how many touchpoints you’ve had with each customer. For instance, if you’ve set a maximum of three attempts per customer, the Number of Calls will reflect how close you are to that limit for each contact.

The Number of Calls is a key indicator for analyzing the effectiveness of your outreach strategy, as it shows how much effort has been invested in trying to connect with your audience.